Certified ACE Trainer

This certificate is aimed at professionals already working or training in the field of animal welfare, education and wellbeing, and have joined the ACE Training Club.

You can collect ACE credits by completing ACE Modules One, Two and Three. Each Module has 100 ACE credits. To complete your ACE certification you will need to gain 300 ACE credits and submit five case histories.

Once you have received your ACE certificate you can use the blue first tier ACE logo on your website and social media, and advertise that you incorporate ACE techniques within your existing skills. You can also join the ACE Guild and be listed on our website. You can use the name ACE Trainer or ACE Practitioner (depending on your preference) to illustrate you are certified..

Our ACE Advanced Tutors, ACE Associate Instructors and ACE Instructors support your learning through the Modules and courses.

You are supported in your learning through live Zooms and a dedicated FB group for each course or Module. The dedicated FB group is the place where you can upload videos for feedback, connect with other participants, ask questions and gain support from our ACE Advanced Tutors, ACE Associate Instructors and ACE Instructors as you work towards your ACE Trainer certificate.

You can enrol in the ACE Training Club to gain 10% discount on all our courses.

300 ACE credits
Submit five video case histories applying ACE techniques with five different canine clients with written notes*

*Not everyone finds putting thoughts into words an easy process. If you struggle with writing for any reason you can talk through and record your observations, objectives and outcomes or include simple bullet points with your video submissions.