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TELLINGTON TTOUCH at tilley farm

TTouch has its roots in the Feldenkrais Method; a form of integrated bodywork and gentle exercises for humans that improves posture, movement and wellbeing. TTouch was developed by Linda Tellington Jones over forty years ago.

TTouch Bodywork

We incorporate TTouch bodywork into every aspect of our daily lives with animals.

The body TTouches break down into three groups; circles, slides and lifts. They consist of a variety of specific light pressure touches and strokes and can help to release body tension and improve balance and proprioception by engaging the sensory aspect of the nervous system.

The position of the hand, and the pressure and type of TTouch used will vary from animal to animal. How and when body work is introduced will be determined by the animal's response to contact and the part of the body that is being TTouched; for example nervous and defensive animals usually find contact with the back of the hand far less threatening, and may initially only be able to tolerate being touched on the side of their shoulder.

As ACE courses include elements of TTouch bodywork, and some TTouch Practitioners and Instructors incorporate a few of the ACE techniques in their workshops and clinics, there is a natural overlap between ACE and TTouch.

Combined ACE and TTouch clinics held at Tilley Farm are taught by two Instructors; the attending students are divided into two groups for some of the practical elements to ensure we meet the criteria for the two different training programmes.

If you have a particular interest in either ACE or TTouch please contact the office so we can direct you to an appropriate course.

For more information on TTouch please visit the TTouch UK website.

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Copyright © 2019 Sarah Fisher --- Photographs Courtesy of Bob Atkins